Transitgas is the name given to the natural gas pipeline that crosses the whole of Switzerland from north to south. With a length of 292 km, it connects Germany to Italy.
TTF (Title Transfer Facility)
The Title Transfer Facility (TTF) is a Dutch virtual trading point for natural gas.
THE - Trading Hub Europe
Trading Hub Europe GmbH was established on 1 June 2021 by the network companies bayernets GmbH, Fluxys TENP GmbH, GASCADE Gastransport GmbH, Gastransport Nord GmbH, Gasunie Deutschland Transport Services GmbH, GRTgaz Deutschland GmbH, Nowega GmbH, ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH, Open Grid Europe GmbH, terranets bw GmbH and Thyssengas GmbH.
Since 1 October 2021, Trading Hub Europe is the market area manager for the entire German market area and operates the market area as provided by the Agreement on cooperation pursuant to Section 20 1b) EnWG between operators of gas supply networks located in Germany ("Cooperation Agreement").
TENP - Trans Europa Naturgas Pipeline
"The TENP-pipeline connects the German market with Switzerland, Belgium and The Netherlands. It runs across Germany from Bocholtz and Eynatten at the Dutch respectively Belgian borders to Wallbach at the Swiss border, where the TENP pipeline connects to the Transitgas pipeline. The TENP pipeline serves also the local market and is a major gas infrastructure for the NCG market area."
Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP)
Read more: TAP